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Last updated
PiFi is a ERC20 / BEP20 token. Its contract is 0xf7405eff16ff7e96898b6b40497a54894fc86c44
Each piglet mints internal PiFi token every 24 hours.
The amount minted is calculated by the formula
Each Piglet has a cap of the total possible PiFi tokens to be minted which is 2,000,000 PiFi.
Getting into an account that the total supply of all Pigletz is 12,345 the max supply of the PiFi token will be:
The SalesManager allows us to mint PiFi that will be used to create the initial Liquidity Pool. The amount of PiFi we can mint is limited to the total minted Pigletz with the following formula:
We will create the Liquidity Pool at PancakeSwap investing BNB and PiFi once we mint at least 10% from the total supply of the Pigletz.
After creating the pool we will revoke the minting rights to the PiFi token and Pigletz will be the only generator of new PiFi tokens.